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6 – How Do Wishes Come True?

Sunny Making a Wish Image

Q:  How do wishes come true?

A:  Thoughts and feelings create things

At Sunny’s birthday party, she couldn’t blow out all the candles on her cake and was afraid her birthday wish wouldn’t come true. Spot explains that the creation process has nothing to do with birthday candles. We create what we want by using our imagination and feelings together. Then we have faith that our intention will come true, sometimes in ways more wonderful than we can imagine.

Things to Do


Things to Think About

  • Have you ever made a wish? Did it come true?
  • Think of some wishes that you made that came true in a way you didn’t expect. Remember it was a FEELING that you wanted to have, not a thing. Your BFF helps you have the feeling you want in ways you don’t expect.


Things to Do

Practice making wishes

  • Know the feelings you want are possible because we are part of God
  • Imagine them
  • Feel like they are really happening
  • Know that the feeling is on its way to you
  • Be ready for something new to happen!
  • Feel how grateful you will be when your wish comes true!


Ideas for Your Discovery Book

  • I am good at making wishes come true! Here’s one of my wishes that came true ...
  • Here is one of my wishes that hasn't come true yet

Quotation Mark

From Ernest Holmes

The creative force

First, let us begin with the thought that we are all united with an Invisible Force which is creative, and that we are already One with a Universal Mind which can do anything. Next, let us consider that we are centers within this Mind, and that the sum total of all our thoughts is either silently attracting Good to us or repelling It from us. And third, let us know that we can change our thinking and, in so doing, cause the Law of Good to act affirmatively for us instead of negatively.

Living the Science of Mind, p. 18

Feeling is creation

While we admire the intellect, we must realize that the intellect is not the creative factor in the Universe. Rather, it is feeling that is creative. ... The real creative power of the mind is deeper than the intellect. It passes into the realm of feeling and acceptance, yet it is the intellect or the self-conscious faculties that must speak the word in order that every obstruction may be cleared away.

Living the Science of Mind, p. 164


Feeling, organized and directed, is creation.

Living the Science of Mind, p. 311