4 – What's the Discovery Game?

Q: What’s the Discovery Game?
A: It’s a search for the invisible treasures inside us!
Sunny is excited because she is discovering more wonderful things about herself. Spot tells her that she is playing the “Discovery Game” – the model for our experience on Earth.
The goal of the Discovery Game is to remember that we are God having an adventure on Earth, and to discover the gifts and talents that make us who we are. And we play the game with our Best Friend Forever who is always guiding us to new discoveries.
Things to Do
Things to Think About
- EVERYONE has talents and great ideas! You might be great friend to special people in your life. You might be kind to all living things. You might have solved a problem with a great idea. You might be a good artist, or game player, or athlete, or singer. You are amazing!
- What special talents have you discovered?
- Have you ever played a game with a blindfold on? How did you feel?
Things to Do
Play the Discovery Game with a blindfold on
In this game, a friend will hold your hand and whisper in your ear as they guide you to your treasures. The treasures could be nice things that your friends have written about you on little pieces of paper that they hide around the room. Your friends have noticed the things you are good at, kind things you have done for them and for others, and lots of things they like about you.
After you have found your treasures, you can take a turn at being a guide for your friend. The Discovery Game is fun when you have someone you trust guiding you to your treasures!
Ideas for Your Discovery Book
- I am talented, I have great ideas, and I do awesome things! Here are some of them ...
The Game of Life
It will help if we decide to play the game of life in a happy way.
Living the Science of Mind, p. 272
… each can think of himself as playing a part in the game of life, and a good one.
Living the Science of Mind, p. 353
The Discovery Game
… man never created himself. He merely awakes to self-discovery.
Living the Science of Mind, p. 112
...everything that we appear to be outwardly, is always the result of some hidden fire burning at the center of our being, some Divine Reality which we did not create but which we may discover.
Living the Science of Mind, p. 171