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Getting Started

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Download Two Free Lessons

To honor Rev. Doug Yagaloff's vision, you can download a free pdf of 2 lessons, including pages for grownups with Ernest Holmes' quotes.


Lesson 1: Why Are We Here?

Lesson 4: What Is the Discovery Game?


Click on the button below to download your free lessons. No contact information is required. The lessons are for your personal (non-commercial) use and for use in Sunday School programs, home schools, and children's groups. 


You can read the lessons on your computer and your devices that support pdf files (iPads, Kindles, etc.), and you can print the lessons out if you wish.

Book Cover Icon Image

Purchase a Book

You can purchase a book from for $14.99. 


The lesson cost is $2.14 per lesson.


Your purchase supports the sharing of this work with Science of Mind and other New Thought families.


Thank you for your interest and support.


Price: $14.99

Kid-Friendly Concepts

You know how much our lives are enriched by practicing the principles of Science of Mind, and we all want our children to grow up believing the truth about themselves – that they are all unique parts of God having a wonderful experience on Earth! We want their beautiful hearts to be free of "Dark Heart Clouds" and to be full of the "Light Heart Clouds" of God's truth about them.
The lessons contain kid-friendly concepts that you can use when teachable moments happen in your life. Sunny and Spot can help you share these important concepts with your family in engaging ways.


Dark Heart Clouds Image
Dark Heart Clouds

You will learn about ...

  • The Discovery Game
  • Heart Lights
  • Love Energy
  • God Thoughts
  • The "Big You"
  • Your Best Friend Forever
  • Heart Clouds (light and dark)
  • How wishes come true
  • The importance of Gratitude
Light Heart Clouds Image
Light Heart Clouds

Your Child's Discovery Book

Spot Reading Discovery Book

The premise of the program is that we are all here as unique parts of God playing the Discovery Game here on Earth, and our mission is to discover our hidden talents and open our heart center so that God can live through us.


Your child's "Discovery Book" can be a great tool in this exciting process.


Journaling as a Spiritual Practice

For those of you who keep a Gratitude Journal or "journal" as a spiritual practice, you have discovered how helpful this can be. It can connect you with insights and ideas to help you on your journey, and it is a powerful means of connecting with your "higher self," or "the friend within," who always wants the best for you and is ready to offer insights and ideas.


The introduction of daily writing into children’s Discovery Books can equip them with a powerful tool for self-discovery and evolution. This is a practice that can be continued throughout a lifetime and a method by which one can witness the soul’s growth and discovery of one’s purpose.


Each page can start with something as simple as, "I discovered something wonderful!" Every day we make discoveries about ourselves, about the people in our lives, and about our amazing world.


"I Am" pages are about the discoveries we make about ourselves, and can begin, "I discovered something wonderful today! I am ..."

  • a good friend
  • a kind person
  • a person with great ideas
  • kind to new people I meet
  • a person who smiles a lot
  • good at listening
  • happy when I take care of my pets

The list is endless!


These positive "I Am" statements form the foundation for our views of ourself, the world, and our place in it. And If you don't already journal, you could start by making your own Discovery Book along with your child!


The Discovery Book as Vision Board

Vision Boards can be powerful tools in the creation process, and the Discovery Book can be used to help your child focus on the good things in life and on dreams for the future.


You can make a customized cover for your Discovery Book out of a brown paper bag and decorate it with images and words cut out of newspapers and magazines. (There are LOTS of instructional videos on YouTube.)


The Law of Attraction

When we are grateful for our lives and take notice of all the amazing things we discover every day, we are open to more, and we joyfully expect more discoveries about ourselves and our lives. In this perfect state of gratitude and receivership, the Law of Attraction responds by delivering more exciting discoveries.


And what fun it is to share these discoveries with your family every day! It could be a good meal time activity for everyone in the family, and reinforced before bed.


Discovery Time

In these days of "attachment to screens," it is good to have some creative time!


Set aside some "Discovery Time" every day to create new entries into Discovery Books. Younger children can dictate their stories to you, and you can write them and illustrate them. The young ones can then add some color. What a great way to learn about the things that are really important to your child.


A great rainy day activity: If you're crafty and need ideas, you can ALWAYS create a page for your Discovery Book. One idea: You can cut letters, words, colors and pictures from old magazines or newspapers, and create a collage page.


Family Time

Instead of the "How was school?" question, you might ask, "What did you discover today? About yourself? About other people? About the world?"


Everyone in the family can take a turn at talking about their discoveries! We're ALL growing and evolving.


Go on Discovery Adventures together! Take a walk, watch your pet for 5 minutes, spend time with a tree ... The whole world is waiting to be discovered!


Making a Discovery Book


Discovery Book Cover Image

The Book

A recycled 3-ring binder, a brown paper bag for a personalized cover, and some paper is all you need for a Discovery Book.  (There are lots of YouTube videos on how to make a book cover out of a brown paper bag.)


A loose leaf notebook that allows you to easily add pages is ideal. Consider recycling a notebook, BUT any way of keeping pages together is fine. Paper clips, yarn woven through holes ... even wire twist ties through holes will work!


The Cover

The cover should make your child smile. You might want to approach it as a "Vision Board" of things that make your child smile – successes, dreams, things they are grateful for, experiences they want to have, words and phrases that describe them. You can cut pictures out of magazines and newspapers and glue them on the cover.


The Pages

For the pages, you can make your own. You can always start with, "I just discovered something wonderful!" to begin your story.


Visit the "For Kids" Page

You will find LOTS more about making and using Discovery Books on the For Kids page. And if  you need a Discovery Book in a hurry, you'll find a cover and all the "I Am" Discovery Pages to download.


Have fun!

EARTH-HAPPYBe Creative and Be Earth Friendly!

Reuse and recycle your materials.


Links to the Lessons

Book Cover Small Image

In Each Lesson:

A story

Prompts for discussion

An "I Am" Discovery Page


Ernest Holmes' quotes

 The Lessons Page

Sunny Proud for Lesson 1 Image

Lesson 1

Why Are We Here?

We're here to play The Discovery Game!


Lesson 1

Spot and Earth for Lesson 2 Image

Lesson 2

What Is God?

Spot explains that God is Every Thing, Every Where


Lesson 2

Sunny Happy for Lesson 3 Image

Lesson 3

Who Am I?

Sunny learns that she is part of God!


Lesson 3

Sunny Discovering Talents for Lesson 4 Image

Lesson 4

What's the Discovery Game?

Sunny learns how to play The Discovery Game



Lesson 4

Snuggles Bad Day Lesson 5 Image

Lesson 5

What Are Heart Clouds?

Sunny learns about Dark Heart Clouds and how to dissolve them


Lesson 5

Sunny Making a Wish for Lesson 6

Lesson 6

How Do Wishes Come True?

Sunny learns how wishes come true



Lesson 6

Spot with Discovery Book for Lesson 7 Image

Lesson 7

How Can I Live a Happy Life?

Sunny learns why Spot is always so happy



Lesson 7

A Little About Meditation


If you have a regular meditation practice, you know how useful it can be in managing your energy and evolution. Consider sharing your practice with your child.

Guided meditations that offer positive affirmations can be a great help to children of all ages!


A guided journey at bedtime can provide a gentle transition and pleasant dreams. Begin by going to a safe place in your mind where you feel loved and supported, and relax into sleep.

From the Centers for Spiritual Living website (

Quotation Mark

Meditation is a wonderful metaphysical practice that fosters a blissful state of being, relaxes you, provides mental clarity and helps you to tap into your intuitive nature. Meditation can be silent or guided. Incorporating a regular meditation practice in your life will help you connect to the power of the Divine that resides within.


Here's a link to the Guided Meditation Page: or click the button below:

Thanks for All You Do!