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Welcome Teachers! Here's How to Get Started ...

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Download Two Free Lessons

To honor Rev. Doug Yagaloff's vision, you can download a free pdf of 2 lessons, including pages for grownups with Ernest Holmes' quotes.


Lesson 1: Why Are We Here?

Lesson 4: What Is the Discovery Game?


Click on the button below to download your free lessons. No contact information is required. The lessons are for your personal (non-commercial) use and for use in Sunday School programs, home schools, and children's groups. 


You can read the lessons on your computer and your devices that support pdf files (iPads, Kindles, etc.), and you can print the lessons out if you wish.

Book Cover Icon Image

Purchase a Book

You can purchase a book from for $14.99. 


The lesson cost is $2.14 per lesson.


Your purchase supports the sharing of this work with Science of Mind and other New Thought families.


Thank you for your interest and support.


Price: $14.99

Links to the Lessons

Visit the Lessons page for suggestions for each lesson and downloads

Book Cover Small Image

In Each Lesson:

A story

Prompts for discussion

An "I Am" Discovery Page


Quotes from Ernest Holmes

The Lessons Page

Sunny Proud for Lesson 1 Image

Lesson 1

Why Are We Here?

We're here to play The Discovery Game!


Lesson 1

Spot and Earth for Lesson 2 Image

Lesson 2

What Is God?

Spot explains that God is Every Thing, Every Where


Lesson 2

Sunny Happy for Lesson 3 Image

Lesson 3

Who Am I?

Sunny learns that she is part of God


Lesson 3

Sunny Discovering Talents for Lesson 4 Image

Lesson 4

What's the Discovery Game?

Sunny learns how to play The Discovery Game



Lesson 4

Snuggles Bad Day Lesson 5 Image

Lesson 5

What Are Heart Clouds?

Sunny learns about Dark Heart Clouds and how to dissolve them


Lesson 5

Sunny Making a Wish for Lesson 6

Lesson 6

How Do Wishes Come True?

Sunny learns how wishes come true



Lesson 6

Spot with Discovery Book for Lesson 7 Image

Lesson 7

How Can I Live a Happy Life?

Sunny learns why Spot is always so happy



Lesson 7

Time with the Kids

"The Very Best Me" Poem

There's a poem on page 4 – "The Very Best Me" – that you can read with the kids to begin the lessons if you wish. The children can take turns sharing times when they were their very best self. You can download a copy for kids who don't have their own books.

"The Very Best Me" Poem Image


Click to Download "The Very Best Me"


In Each Lesson

Most lessons have prompts and questions to generate conversation about the story and personal experiences. Feel free to add your own questions and to share your experiences!


There's an "I Am" discovery page at the end of each lesson where kids can tell the story about something they have discovered about themselves. You can download the "I Am" pages for all lessons and print them out for kids who don't have their own books.

"I Am" Page Image

Click to Download all "I Am" Pages

There are also group activities for each lesson. You can find suggestions on the individual lesson pages in the book and on the Lessons pages above.


You will find Ernest Holmes quotes at the end of each lesson and on the Lesson pages above. You might wish to choose some to share with the kids.


Sharing Activities

We're all here to play the Discovery Game! Ask children to share the new discoveries they have made about themselves, about the people in their lives, and about the Earth. Good ideas and creative ways to solve problems are also great discoveries! You can also share things that you have discovered.


You might want to take dictation and write down children's ideas for them. This would help families reinforce their children's ideas.


Children can share the "principles at work" by talking about an event that was wonderful, unexpected, and unplanned.


A "Who are you being today?" exercise about feelings can ask children to identify a favorite feeling for the day (joy, curiosity, pride, love, kindness, beauty - and other attributes of God) and remember a time when they felt that way. They can close their eyes and return to the event in which they felt that emotion. And then they can share that with the group by saying, "I am (name) and I am being (love, joy, curiosity, pride, kindness, etc.) today." The teacher can reinforce the concepts by restating them, "All you proud, happy, joyful, (etc.) ones, let's read the story together ..."


Kids can share things they are grateful for. To be Earth Friendly, you might ask children to identify FREE things that they are grateful for, like hugs, and love, and having a strong, healthy body, etc.


You might share a favorite song. It could even be one you all could dance to!


It can be fun to end a class with a "You are wonderful because ..." experience. One person is the center of attention and those around the circle take a turn at saying something wonderful about them! (Teachers can participate too!)


If you ever need an activity ... Just go back to asking about things the children have discovered ... about themselves, about the people in their lives, and about the Earth. It can be as simple as a identifying a food preference. When they share, they can start with, "I am a person who loves playing soccer." Our discoveries are never-ending!



You might want to offer a guided gratitude meditation. Here is a link to the meditation page:


Take-Home Pages for Grown Ups

Each lesson has a summary page for grown ups that you can print out and send home with the kids. It contains the concepts in the lessons and activities for families.

Take-Home Page Image



Click to Download Take-Home Pages for GrownUps



Making Discovery Books


Discovery Book Cover Image

The program suggests making "Discovery Books" which are like gratitude journals and vision boards combined. You can learn all about making and using Discovery Books on the For Kids page.


Option One

If your center has resources to provide a 3-ring binder for each child and resources to make "vision board" covers, that's great! You can download generic Discovery Book Pages OR you can make your own.





Option Two

Download and print out covers and pages by clicking here:  Discovery Book Covers, a generic Discovery Book Page, and "I Am" Pages.



Option Three 

Use plain paper to draw and color your own "My Discovery Book" covers on plain paper, and use plain paper for Discovery Pages and "I Am" pages. Clip the pages together and you have the beginnings of a Discovery Book.

Thanks for All You Do!